A specially designed fully enclosed stair walkway was manufactured and installed for the external fire escape stair at Milton Keynes shopping centre. The walkway was manufactured using polyester powder coated, extruded aluminium framework, all manufactured by BBS to the exact…
L’Oreal, Manchester
A 45.0m long fully enclosed covered way was designed, manufactured and installed for L’Oreal in Manchester, the structure was designed to a specific height and width to allow forklift trucks to remain under covered while distributing packaged products from one…
Tesco, Redditch
An 80.0m long covered way for Tesco stores in Redditch. Manufactured from polyester powder coated steel framework with extruded alumnium plant on glazing section and glazed with high impact resistant U/V stable polycarbonate.
Honda, Swindon
BBS designed, manufactured and installed a special single sided glazed walkway at the Honda UK plant in Swindon. The walkway was manufactured using powder coated steelwork framework for added strength and glazed with high impact resistant U/V stable polycarbonate.
Dyson Perrins School
BBS designed, manufactured and installed a 20.0m long duo-pitch open sided walkway at Dyson Perrins school in 2005. The walkway was part of a scheme where BBS also installed lean-to covered glazing within an enclosed quadrangle, the new covered ways…
Hamilton Central Station
BBS manufactured and installed an 80.0m long structural glazed link walkway between Duke street car park and Hamilton Central rail station. The walkway, installed in 2006, had to be designed with specially fabricated joints to withstand the powerful suction forces…
Craignure Pier, Isle of Mull
BBS designed manufactured and installed a 76.0m long structural glazed walkway on Craignure ferry pier on the Isle Of Mull in 2001. The walkway was designed to have sufficient width for it also to be utilised as a waiting facility,…
Stornoway Ferry Pier
BBS manufactured and installed a 96.0m long structural glazed walkway on Stornoway ferry pier on the Isle Of Lewis in 1997. The walkway was specially designed utilising steel and aluminium to withstand some of the harshest and severe weather conditions…
Higford Hall
BBS manufactured a meandering walkway with special connected theme pods at the New Options School for young people with an Autistic Spectrum Condition and complex needs, the school was opened by HRH THE PRINCESS ROYAL on the 10th of October…